20 August 2007

Protect Your Eyes

Several months ago the superintendent of the housing complex we own explained why residents don't speak with us. We were told they were afraid us because we wore sunglasses when we went outdoors.

Bu...Gu! We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes and the surrounding skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. People too often think of sunglasses as just a fashion statement for summer. Most of what we perceive through our senses comes from sight so we believe sight is the most important sense. When you understand that ultra violet radiation damage is cumulative, then it may not be too late to begin protecting your eyes.

The American Optometric Association listed these five tips to prevent eye damage:
1. Wear protective eyewear any time your eyes are exposed to ultraviolet light, even on cloudy days and during winter.
2. Look for sunglasses that offer good protection. Sunglasses should block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UB-B radiation and screen out 75 to 90 percent of visible light.
3. Check to make sure your sunglass lenses are perfectly matched in color and free of distortion and imperfection.
4. Purchase gray lenses. They reduce light intensity without altering the color of objects, providing natural color vision.
5. Remember protection for children and teenagers who typically spend more time in the sun than adults.

It may surprise you we wear sunglasses at night in order to avoid the glare from the ultra bright luminescent headlamps on newer motor vehicles and all those dynamic neon illuminated signs cutting through urban neighborhoods. However the most important benefit of sunglasses is to protect your eyes and the skin around them from the sun.

For more information on ultraviolet radiation protection, visit The American Optometric Association

Protect Your Eyes

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